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​Join us or renew your annual membership

Join your neighbors in preserving your neighborhood the way you like it! If you're already a member thank you for your renewal and continued support!


The borders of our Association are Glenoaks Boulevard on the south, Brand Boulevard on the east, the Verdugo Mountains on the north and Alameda Avenue 

on the west.


If you are a homeowner within our boundaries, you may join as a member. If you live outside our area, you may join as an associate member. When you join as a member or an associate member, you will receive The Guardian, our newsletter. 

Thank you for renewing your membership!  Your support helps us to continue to preserve, enhance and protect Northwest Glendale neighborhoods.


Dues are $25 a year, payable in advance. Additional donations are welcome!  


Your donation to the NWGHA helps us continue our efforts to sustain many activities throughout the year such as:
  • Hosting Community Meetings
  • Organize Neighborhood Events
    (i.e.  document shredding event)
  • Newsletters
  • Provide email alerts via Constant Contact


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