Peter Fuad, President
Welcome to the website of the Northwest Glendale Homeowners Association!
NWGHA is a voluntary association of homeowners formed in 1989 to protect and enhance the quality of life in Northwest Glendale, California. We are the largest homeowners association in Glendale.
We passionately believe in keeping our neighborhood beautiful and safe. Our goal is to be a thoughtful and balanced advocate of homeowner interests on issues affecting Northwest Glendale, including oversized homes, home remodels that do not fit in with our neighborhood and working with the City to protect our area’s quality of life. We also favor creating historic districts as a way for homeowners to preserve the charm of their neighborhood.
Please join us! Some of the things we do to help us preserve, protect and enhance the quality of life in Northwest Glendale:
Review proposed residential and commercial projects and appear before the Design Review Board, Planning Commission and City Council when necessary to ensure development is compatible with our neighborhood.
Organize community meetings with city staff on development issues, such as cell towers and commercial projects.
Appear before the City Council and meet with city staff to voice members’ concerns on issues affecting our neighborhood and the city.
Publish The Guardian, our newsletter, to inform members on neighborhood issues.
Contacting members via Constant Contact with email alerts on important issues.
To read more about NWGHA please click here.