Design Review and Administrative Board Notices
If you are planning to remodel your home, you most likely will need to submit your plans to the City for design review.
Design review can serve an important function in maintaining character, consistency and property values in neighborhoods.
Based on the scope of the project, the City of Glendale will submit your plans for administrative internal review or before the Design Review Board in a public hearing. Proposed projects are submitted for inclusion on an agenda and the public is invited to comment. The meetings are forums for an open discussion between the board and the homeowner and allow for projects to be reworked before the final project is approved.
One of NWGHA's primary tasks is to review projects that require design review and if necessary attend the public hearings to provide constructive comments. NWGHA also makes every effort to alert residents via email of all significant projects - residential or commercial - that will impact the NW Glendale neighborhoods.
To review notices for public hearings or meetings pertaining to projects in our area, please click here.